Tuesday, January 24, 2017

WEEK 1(1/24/17)

I am having the greatest time, I love it here! I am in a room with 5 other sisters and we are so lucky that we are all going to the kansas wichita mission together on the 7th! The hardest thing for me has probably been getting used to only being called Sister Greenwood. It definitely still throws me off. My companion is sister smith and I love her. We work really well together and it so great! I haven't had any issues with homesickness or anything. I feel so at peace and I love what I am doing. We started teaching on our second day! usually they wait until the 3rd so I don't really know. Every lesson we've had has been great though. I feel so prepared and so in tune with the spirit. I am the oldest one in our district and I'm even older than our teachers which I think is so funny! In my first day I felt like I was just being swept away from one thing to another. You don't really know whats going on you just go where you're told and get the things you need like name tag and key card and stuff. That is the only time I could say that I was maybe like whoa what did I just do to myself?! but then we were in one of the meetings and the scripture I chose for my plaque and the scripture that I used in my farewell talk were both used and I knew in my heart that heavenly father was reassuring me. I'm loving learning everything and teaching and feel so much joy and just truly blessed to have this amazing opportunity to wear a name tag and be a representative of Christ. I had to meet with someone from the branch presidency on thursday and he just mentioned how good I looked and how amazing it was that I was here. When I tell people my story they're amazed at where I am. Lucky me got sick my first week and was just way nauseous and didn't feel good for like a day and a half. That was really trying because I just wanted to be working and I couldn't be. but I'm feeling so much better now so that's definitely good. I got a priesthood blessing from the elders in our district and it was the sweetest thing ever. None of them knew what they were doing but the spirit was so strong as they did the best they could to help.
Now to get real: I need people to write! I haven't gotten any letters and I only got two emails that weren't from my mom which was depressing. I can look at emails every day but can only respond on P days so please send me things!
I love you all and I'm so grateful for the support each of you has given me. I would not be where I am today without all of the amazing people in my life. I'm still trying to figure out how to send pictures to my whole contact list. But if I can't figure it out they should be posted on my blog as well which the information for it is on my facebook page.
XoXo, Sister Greenwood

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