Friday, June 14, 2019

Lions and Tigers and ER's..OH MY!(4/24/17)

This week was a little out of the ordinary! Or A Lot! Haha. Last Saturday I got a migraine and it wouldn't go away. So on Tuesday morning I woke up early and was just dying, I called the medical coordinator and she told me to call the STLS and have them take me to the ER. Which sounds simple, right? Well actually no, they wouldn't answer their phone because they were at the gym boxing!😣 So then it turned into a scavenger hunt through the phone book. I was so grateful I knew how to use a phone book in that moment! The problem is that the number was practically impossible to find, after almost an hour though I finally achieved success! Thank the Lord! All I could think about was relief from the pressure and pain in my head! So I called the gym, me: "Hi I think the person I'm looking for is boxing there and it's an emergency. " Sister Thompson got on the phone and I told her what was wrong and her and sister curran came to the rescue! She was so cute! I was so grateful to have her by my side the whole time. She is such a sweetheart, and way good with my anxiety and keeping me "calm". In the ER they gave me some shots and some medicine and an IV. It helped a lot, but once it wore off I was miserable again. So that's annoying, I went to the doctor the next day all the way in Haysville where they gave me beta blockers and that seems to help a lot. I take them once a day.Then my companion had to go to the dentist, So I was sitting in the dentist office for like 3 hours with a migraine. It was the worst! That was Wednesday so we had correlation meeting and weekly planning also so we didn't get to do much missionary work that day, it was hard! We did surprise some sisters which was nice and honestly the highlight of my day. So that was nice, I love doing nice things for others! I am so happy to report that my head is finally feeling better. On Thursday I got a prescription for migraine medicine and bought some POWERade and have been feeling better since then. I think I might have been dehydrated. The rest of the week was much better! We have seen many miracles this week as well, which is my favorite thing about being a missionary! That no matter how hard satan works to discourage me I am stronger than him and I am proving that each day! I have established that satan is afraid of me and the good I will do out here in the KWM. It is always such a testimony that this is where I'm meant to be when we knock a door that I feel prompted to and gain a new investigator or when my companion tells me the influence I'm having in her life. I am so filled with gratitude each morning as I wake up and get to put on a name tag and go out and bring people the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Fun facts:
☆Went to the ER
☆My best friend Morgan emailed me this week and I cried
☆We saw a catcoon this week!(were not sure if it was a cat or a raccooon😉)

☆My comp and I are making a music video to the primary song dare to do right. Yes, I am THAT missionary😂
♡Party in the ER
♡we saw this sign as we were walking ( I fixed it!) "Nails did not keep Christ on the cross, love did."
♡my cute easter dress
♡Marissa with a rat on her head.
{{Its a great day to save lives}}
Xoxo, Sister Greenwood🌻

More refined each week (4/17/17)

Every single week I can see so many more things the Lord is changing in me and I can see a lot of growth.I don't know if others can see it or not, but I can! I am definitely not the same person that came out here on my mission.and it's only been nine and a half weeks! Something one of our STLS told me this week is that we are all in our own refiners fire and that it is going to hurt because the Lord is molding us into who He needs us to be. That is something I have been living by. My depression has gotten a lot better since I switched medications but I'm still adjusting. One cool thing I can officially say is that I can cry. And it feels so good. Haha. It happens kind of a lot. (Well, for me)This week was amazing! We went on exchanges this week and I stayed in our area and went out with sister curran. We saw a lot of rejection, and a lot of miracles! She is so cute! I loved serving with her. Me and sister Nail are seriously the best of friends, we are constantly laughing. So good! I hope everyone had the best easter! Mine was so good! I love that everyone is focused on Christ and people just act better on easter. As missionaries we're obviously centered around Christ and focused on him always but it was so powerful knowing that everyone was focused on him and his resurrection. I am so grateful for the blessing I have to be a missionary each day. Thank you so much for all of the support I have been given thus far on my mission and for all of the sweet messages about my great grandma's passing. It means so much to me. For Easter we went to church and we saw people, and we had dinner with some members.and then ended our night by reading Moroni 10. I strongly urge each of you to go watch the Easter video that the church put out this year, it makes me tear up and fills me with gratitude every time I watch it. Its called the prince of peace and its just all about jesus christ. I am so happy out here! It's super funny because people always think somethings wrong because I'm quiet, but that's not the case. I love what I'm doing and am so humbled that my Heavenly Father trusts me with the salvation of his children. I have big dreams and aspirations for myself out here in kansas!🤗 today for p day I went to Walmart and got some things on clearance and a cute easter dress. Thanks mom💗 I am seeing so many miracles each day. Some of my favorite this week were: 1.) While we were on exchanges I invited people for baptism for my first time and they accepted, and we have a church tour with them on Saturday!
2.) We went and saw our investigator Susie who had told us not to stop by anymore a couple of weeks ago because her kids are against her meeting with us and don't understand, so we finally felt like it was a good time to see her again on easter. The Spirit was so strong! We showed her the Easter video and she was crying and she told us we can come over but just to make sure hers is the only car home.
3.) We met with keeley and shared the first Vision with her which was so powerful! After she read it sister Nail asked what she thought and she was like: honestly that's really powerful and really cool. She told us that when she first read it she thought it was cool that God was acknowledging Joseph and telling Jesus to hear him and then when she read it the second time it was him telling Joseph to hear the words of Jesus. I loved her perspective, because it solidifies that each one of us is known and loved by God individually.
Fun facts:
☆I have lost like ten pounds this tranfer!
☆easter is so good!
☆every time I saw a bunny yesterday I turned to my comp and told her happy Easter
☆We made the sisters in our zone little easter bags!
♡The moon was orange the other night so I tried to take a picture!😂
♡♡My easter basket is a MINION!!😍
{{Its a great day to save lives}}
Xoxo, Sister Greenwood🌻


This week has been one of the best on my mission thus far. Kind of strange seeing how my great grandma passed away, but my heart has so much peace in my decision to serve a mission and to continue serving even through the hard times. I will miss my great grandma dearly and the world truly will not be the same without her, I will miss going to Overton to visit. She loved to tell EVERYBODY at church that I was going on a mission. I know she was so proud of me and I'll forever treasure the moments I spent with her. But while I should be in heartache, I am completely at peace and I feel closer to her than ever! I got a call from my mom saying my great grandma had passed away, it was hard and I cried a lot! I really am learning crying is okay.. I got a blessing that night though and was told that she is with me and I will be able to feel her presence and oh how true that is! It's so weird to think she won't be there when I get married or have kids, but then I stop and remind myself that she is going to be in the temple with me and that she is with my future children getting to know them before I do,and that she wont need to hear my mission stories because she is right by my side experiencing it first hand.and that is why I'm at peace, it is so special to me that think about. Every time I see a butterfly I think of her, and I have been seeing them ALL THE TIME since she passed! It was so good to be able to talk to my family this week even though it was for such a sad reason. know that I am where the Lord wants me, there was a very brief moment while i was talkkng to my mom on the phone where I considered going home because of her passing but I know that I made the right decision in staying out here in Kansas! We have been seeing so many miracles and I am so grateful to be a missionary! One of the best miracles we saw was with a lady named Amanda! She kind of just fell out of the sky and is super open and really wants to get baptized! The Lord is so good! I love being a missionary! I love you all so much!😙
♡sunset over Arkansas river
♡The rain was insane! I felt like I was driving a boat!
♡my comp-Sister nail

{{Its a great day to save lives}}
Xoxo, Sister Greenwood🌻