Monday, February 20, 2017

THIS WEEEK(2/20/17)

This week wasn't super eventful. I have more fun facts to list than anything I think. We decided to go try knocking doors on the street where paige ( who just got baptized last week) lives. We decided to try the one at the very end of the street, we hadnt had much success that day, as we were walking a little bunny hopped across the dirt road we were waliking on, and i felt like it was a sign of good luck. We went and saw this lady named Cheryl this and she had the dish network guy there so she told us to come back another time but we did leave her with a B.O.M. and as we were walking away she gave us each a bottle of water. She was super sweet. I met an investigator named Eric and he is AMAZING! He is so ready for this  gospel! He has a way busy life right now though because of his father in law having cancer. So he needs to realize how worth it it will be to be baptized. We really want to put him on date! He just has so much faith and he has the biggest heart. Sunday night we had a mission president devotional and right when I walked through the doors I saw sister Jensen and we ran to each other and hugged and caught up. I LOVE HER SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!It was the happiest I've been in the mission field thus far! Seriously seeing her was such a blessing! I think I'll cry when I see my mtc companion again. I love everyone from my district at the MTC so much. I miss them like crazy! My mom (trainer) said I should get to see sister Nielson and Brunson tomorrow at zone conference which I'm so excited for! And this Thursday were going on exchanges with the STLS wish me luck, and keep me in your prayers. I am so nervous! I just want to be the best missionary I can be, but I'm still so new that That is not the case😂 I got to meet my trainers trainer (my grandma)this week, she went home (died) in the fall. So her and her family came and visited. She Was Super Cute. She gets out of the car and gives my comp a hug and then comes over to me and says You can call me shay or g ma. And they made me take "family pictures" my name is baby g. Such a strange experience.
Fun facts:
♡there are dead possums all over the road and this one is like fat and kind of looks like a panda bear. When I said this my companion was concerned, then I told her it looked like something good to cuddle with if it weren't a dead animal. She was disturbed. So funny!
♡we went and ate at this Chinese restaurant this week, they have a lunch buffet for like 7$ and the music they play is k love and I love it so much! Also the food is so good!
♡we had pizza buffet the same day we had the Chinese one, it was at a place called tallianos and it was the best.
♡ There are a lot of streets here named Karla. Like at least 7.
♡Can you see the squirrel?
That about sums up our week.
Xoxo, sister greenwood 

Monday, February 13, 2017


On Feb 13, 2017 12:34 PM, "Brianne Lynette Greenwood" <> wrote:
I was so over the moon excited on Wednesday morning when I went to the doctor and got cleared to fly out THE NEXT DAY! I loved the girls I was rooming with after my district left but I was more than ready to get to Kansas! My first airport experience was a little rough, but I survived!😁 They dropped me off at the curb and I had no idea what I was doing, I was so confused and Lost and honestly I was just ready to cry. This super nice guy helped me with my luggage and helped me find my way, he had just dropped his son off at the MTC the day before! After I got checked in and went through security the lady had to pat me down because of my garments. UNCOMFORTABLE. I however was grateful she was a female. Had it been a male I would not have made it any further in my journey. She was very nice and apologized. Then the tsa guy had to wipe down everything in my duffle bag which took a long time. He recognized that I was a missionary and helped me to figure out what I was supposed to do next. He handed me off to a guy that was on my same flight and told him to take care of me and told me to just stay with him. He let me use his phone to call my mom since I couldn't find a pay phone. Which was good because my mom was kind of freaking out and had I not called she may have had a heart attack. In the Denver airport as we were about to board I met the kindest man that said he was from Wichita in a place called Derby, I had met the sweetest girl from derby in the MTC so I had a little bit of an idea of what he was talking about, and was hoping that's where I'd end up! I told him my situation and expressed that I was worried that President McCuistion wouldn't be there when I got there and he promised to stay with me until we arrived in Wichita and that if president wasn't there he would take me to the mission home himself. I was so thrilled to come out and see president and his wife standing there waiting for me when I got out. And my cute companion Sister Goff, she is the greatest and I'm so grateful to have her as my trainer. Seeing that I left the MTC at 2:30 am I had not eaten yet so the president took us out to eat, it was so nice and comforting to get some good food in me.
Highlights of my week:
●Meeting my trainer
●I'm serving in DERBY!
●Tried fried Alligator
●First baptism
●squirrels and bunnies everywhere! MY POOR COMPANION ( every time we see one I get wayyy excited)
●the moon 
●ate dinner with a couple that remind me so much of gram and papa.

Fun Facts:
●My trainer is good friends with one of the girls in my district at the MTC
●Today my trainer got a speeding ticket
●Going ten over in a school zone is $144.00
●there is a bingo center where you drive by and you can just see all of the cute old people in the window playing bingo like in old movies.
●We got panda express the other day
●Our STLS called us the other day and their voices sounded so much like Morgan and Karla that I started to cry. I think about the two of them every single day as I'm serving the Lord.
●My companion spent all of yesterday puking her guts up
●I don't feel THAT bad yet, but I also am sick. 
●every person we've seen since I got here has been sick, so I'm pretty sure us getting it was inevitable. Though I am still hopeful I don't end up as sick as my comp. We didn't end up going to church yesterday.
●The people of Kansas are all way nice, even if they're rejecting our message.
 So far I love being here, it's truly everything I hoped for and once we're feeling better I'll be on top of the world! Satan still tries to get to me but I'm stronger.
XOXO, Sister Greenwood 

On Feb 7, 2017 1:59 PM, "Brianne Lynette Greenwood" <> wrote:
This week was great. We finished TRC's and learned a lot of new things and had so many practices getting us ready to go into the field. Sunday night I had a migraine and myback was I rested and took medicine and then our whole room stayed up talking until like 1:30 am. It was like a sleepover and it was so great. Now onto the craziest day of my life:Monday I woke up and had a migraine and just felt icky. I thought it was just from staying up all night and being back up at 6:30 so I was just trying to power through we got breakfast and then went to our classroom, we came back a little while later and my stomach was so sick I just felt like throwing up. Sister Hansen stayed with me and I rested while everyone else went to exercise time. I kept getting sicker and sicker so I decided to go to the doctor to get something for my stomach so I could get on the plane that night feeling better. The doctor ordered 3 different tests(nose swab, blood draw, and urinalysis) the doctor came in a little bit later and said my flu test was negative and he had a meeting so he'd be back around 2 to discuss the test results with me.(it was currently around 12) They took me to lay in a bed and rest until he came back. So obviously if you know me well you're already seeing the mistake in their doing this, because I spent the next 2 hours alone in a room with my thoughts thinking of the absolute worst scenarios, (because why wouldn't he just tell me then if it wasn't bad news?) He finally comes back and tells me I have a UTI. Seriously!? It's not cancer?! Thank the Lord😂 also I had this super irrational fear that he was going to tell me I was pregnant (which I realize is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE, I did say irrational😊) then he told me he wanted me to stay at the MTC a few more days and asked me how I felt about that. I of course told him no. And he was hesitant but agreed that I could call him later that night and we could make a decision. Sounds great to me. My companion came and got me and they gave me an antibiotic to start right away and go back to our dorm and rest. I was crazy emotional about the doctor even considering not having me leave that night and I just had a feeling in my heart that for some reason I wasn't going to be leaving at 2:30 in the morning, I got a priesthood blessing from the elders in my district and then went back to my room to take my pills they gave me. I took them and was just sitting in my bed trying to fall asleep and I just started itching all over my body. So my companion made me go back to the doctor, the nurse gave me a benadryl shot and the doctor came in to talk to me about delaying my flight. I agreed to stay a few more days until I'm better.He told me to see my district off at 2:30 but not to get on the bus with them. I slept some more in the clinic and my companion was sent on a field trip down the street to pick up my prescription for the new antibiotic to start on Tuesday and I was told not to take anymore of the other one. I was lying in the clinic til almost 5 and then I had to go talk to someone about my delay and call my mom to let her know what was happening. I moved in with another district(they're the one directly under us) and it was the hardest thing moving my stuff to another room while all of the sisters in my room were packing to leave in just 4 hours. I cried and I cried like I never had in my life. I know and have faith that this delay is all in God's plan for me and that there is a reason it had to happen. But it doesn't make it any easier that I'm still in the MTC and all of my best friends left on the plane this morning to go to Kansas. I hope and pray that they all made it safely. I woke up at 2 and went and said goodbye and it was so hard. My companion was just bawling😭 I went back to my new room and just cried some more until I fell asleep. I don't think I've ever cried this much, but when I woke up today I was exceedingly grateful that I stayed back, because I have literally no energy and am feeling a little miserable. The girls in my new room are adorable and I know that I'll find a reason of why I needed to stay and I'm making more friends. And tonight our devotional speaker is a general authority which I would have missed otherwise so I'm okay. And I'm really grateful for how thorough the doctor was. I couldn't imagine being on an airplane for my first time feeling the way that I do. Please keep me in your prayers, I love you all.
Xoxo, sister greenwood

On Jan 31, 2017 9:37 AM, "Brianne Lynette Greenwood" <> wrote:
I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW FAST THE TIME IS FLYING BY! I love it here so much and I'm going to miss it but I am SO STOKED to be in Kansas in a week!! I still don't know how to do the pictures, so once again check my blog. This week was filled with so much spirit and growth, I am learning so many great things here in the MTC! I saw Sandy's son Elder Peterson on I think my first or second day at the MTC so that was good to see a familiar face. All of the other girls in my district know lots of people because they're all 2 or 3 years younger than I am. But it's okay, I think it might make things a little harder to know so many people from Pre mission life. Once of the girls in our district sister hansens boyfriend is in the MTC with us right now and that's kind of hard sometimes. My heart experienced some really big changes this week. I was so scared because I was getting feelings of like anxiety this week but I finally realized it wasn't anxiety. It was the holy ghost. I am feeling the spirit of god in ways I cannot even describe and I have been crying a lot of tears of gratitude this past week thinking about how I got to where I am and how many miracles had to occur for me to end up on my mission starting with a huge life changing one this past July. I never would have though I would be where I am now, today, in this moment just a year ago. I miss my sweet babies every single day, but getting pictures definitely helps and I know that this 18 months will bless me and my family so much. So while I am missing things back home I wouldn't trade where I am now for anything in the world. We taught a lot of lessons this week and I am just getting more and more in tune with the spirit which is so awesome. We got our flight information this week and we leave the MTC next "tuesday" at 2:30 IN THE MORNING! I don't know for sure if I will be able to email again before we're in Kansas because our p day is technically on tuesday. So just send lots of emails. I really want to be able to write letters as well so please give me addresses. I was able to get some from memorial ward off of the LDS tools app. but other than that I actually only have my own address, so if I could get more that would be great. The district above us left last night so We're the oldest one! so crazy!
XoXo, Sister Greenwood

Kansas address

This is my direct one to my apartment:
Sister Brianne L. Greenwood
235 s. Jane street apt 414
 Haysville Kansas, 67206

On Feb 13, 2017 12:34 PM, "Brianne Lynette Greenwood" <> wrote:
I was so over the moon excited on Wednesday morning when I went to the doctor and got cleared to fly out THE NEXT DAY! I loved the girls I was rooming with after my district left but I was more than ready to get to Kansas! My first airport experience was a little rough, but I survived!😁 They dropped me off at the curb and I had no idea what I was doing, I was so confused and Lost and honestly I was just ready to cry. This super nice guy helped me with my luggage and helped me find my way, he had just dropped his son off at the MTC the day before! After I got checked in and went through security the lady had to pat me down because of my garments. UNCOMFORTABLE. I however was grateful she was a female. Had it been a male I would not have made it any further in my journey. She was very nice and apologized. Then the tsa guy had to wipe down everything in my duffle bag which took a long time. He recognized that I was a missionary and helped me to figure out what I was supposed to do next. He handed me off to a guy that was on my same flight and told him to take care of me and told me to just stay with him. He let me use his phone to call my mom since I couldn't find a pay phone. Which was good because my mom was kind of freaking out and had I not called she may have had a heart attack. In the Denver airport as we were about to board I met the kindest man that said he was from Wichita in a place called Derby, I had met the sweetest girl from derby in the MTC so I had a little bit of an idea of what he was talking about, and was hoping that's where I'd end up! I told him my situation and expressed that I was worried that President McCuistion wouldn't be there when I got there and he promised to stay with me until we arrived in Wichita and that if president wasn't there he would take me to the mission home himself. I was so thrilled to come out and see president and his wife standing there waiting for me when I got out. And my cute companion Sister Goff, she is the greatest and I'm so grateful to have her as my trainer. Seeing that I left the MTC at 2:30 am I had not eaten yet so the president took us out to eat, it was so nice and comforting to get some good food in me.
Highlights of my week:
●Meeting my trainer
●I'm serving in DERBY!
●Tried fried Alligator
●First baptism
●squirrels and bunnies everywhere! MY POOR COMPANION ( every time we see one I get wayyy excited)
●the moon 
●ate dinner with a couple that remind me so much of gram and papa.

Fun Facts:
●My trainer is good friends with one of the girls in my district at the MTC
●Today my trainer got a speeding ticket
●Going ten over in a school zone is $144.00
●there is a bingo center where you drive by and you can just see all of the cute old people in the window playing bingo like in old movies.
●We got panda express the other day
●Our STLS called us the other day and their voices sounded so much like Morgan and Karla that I started to cry. I think about the two of them every single day as I'm serving the Lord.
●My companion spent all of yesterday puking her guts up
●I don't feel THAT bad yet, but I also am sick. 
●every person we've seen since I got here has been sick, so I'm pretty sure us getting it was inevitable. Though I am still hopeful I don't end up as sick as my comp. We didn't end up going to church yesterday.
●The people of Kansas are all way nice, even if they're rejecting our message.
 So far I love being here, it's truly everything I hoped for and once we're feeling better I'll be on top of the world! Satan still tries to get to me but I'm stronger.
XOXO, Sister Greenwood 

On Feb 7, 2017 1:59 PM, "Brianne Lynette Greenwood" <> wrote:
This week was great. We finished TRC's and learned a lot of new things and had so many practices getting us ready to go into the field. Sunday night I had a migraine and myback was I rested and took medicine and then our whole room stayed up talking until like 1:30 am. It was like a sleepover and it was so great. Now onto the craziest day of my life:Monday I woke up and had a migraine and just felt icky. I thought it was just from staying up all night and being back up at 6:30 so I was just trying to power through we got breakfast and then went to our classroom, we came back a little while later and my stomach was so sick I just felt like throwing up. Sister Hansen stayed with me and I rested while everyone else went to exercise time. I kept getting sicker and sicker so I decided to go to the doctor to get something for my stomach so I could get on the plane that night feeling better. The doctor ordered 3 different tests(nose swab, blood draw, and urinalysis) the doctor came in a little bit later and said my flu test was negative and he had a meeting so he'd be back around 2 to discuss the test results with me.(it was currently around 12) They took me to lay in a bed and rest until he came back. So obviously if you know me well you're already seeing the mistake in their doing this, because I spent the next 2 hours alone in a room with my thoughts thinking of the absolute worst scenarios, (because why wouldn't he just tell me then if it wasn't bad news?) He finally comes back and tells me I have a UTI. Seriously!? It's not cancer?! Thank the Lord😂 also I had this super irrational fear that he was going to tell me I was pregnant (which I realize is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE, I did say irrational😊) then he told me he wanted me to stay at the MTC a few more days and asked me how I felt about that. I of course told him no. And he was hesitant but agreed that I could call him later that night and we could make a decision. Sounds great to me. My companion came and got me and they gave me an antibiotic to start right away and go back to our dorm and rest. I was crazy emotional about the doctor even considering not having me leave that night and I just had a feeling in my heart that for some reason I wasn't going to be leaving at 2:30 in the morning, I got a priesthood blessing from the elders in my district and then went back to my room to take my pills they gave me. I took them and was just sitting in my bed trying to fall asleep and I just started itching all over my body. So my companion made me go back to the doctor, the nurse gave me a benadryl shot and the doctor came in to talk to me about delaying my flight. I agreed to stay a few more days until I'm better.He told me to see my district off at 2:30 but not to get on the bus with them. I slept some more in the clinic and my companion was sent on a field trip down the street to pick up my prescription for the new antibiotic to start on Tuesday and I was told not to take anymore of the other one. I was lying in the clinic til almost 5 and then I had to go talk to someone about my delay and call my mom to let her know what was happening. I moved in with another district(they're the one directly under us) and it was the hardest thing moving my stuff to another room while all of the sisters in my room were packing to leave in just 4 hours. I cried and I cried like I never had in my life. I know and have faith that this delay is all in God's plan for me and that there is a reason it had to happen. But it doesn't make it any easier that I'm still in the MTC and all of my best friends left on the plane this morning to go to Kansas. I hope and pray that they all made it safely. I woke up at 2 and went and said goodbye and it was so hard. My companion was just bawling😭 I went back to my new room and just cried some more until I fell asleep. I don't think I've ever cried this much, but when I woke up today I was exceedingly grateful that I stayed back, because I have literally no energy and am feeling a little miserable. The girls in my new room are adorable and I know that I'll find a reason of why I needed to stay and I'm making more friends. And tonight our devotional speaker is a general authority which I would have missed otherwise so I'm okay. And I'm really grateful for how thorough the doctor was. I couldn't imagine being on an airplane for my first time feeling the way that I do. Please keep me in your prayers, I love you all.
Xoxo, sister greenwood

On Jan 31, 2017 9:37 AM, "Brianne Lynette Greenwood" <> wrote:
I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW FAST THE TIME IS FLYING BY! I love it here so much and I'm going to miss it but I am SO STOKED to be in Kansas in a week!! I still don't know how to do the pictures, so once again check my blog. This week was filled with so much spirit and growth, I am learning so many great things here in the MTC! I saw Sandy's son Elder Peterson on I think my first or second day at the MTC so that was good to see a familiar face. All of the other girls in my district know lots of people because they're all 2 or 3 years younger than I am. But it's okay, I think it might make things a little harder to know so many people from Pre mission life. Once of the girls in our district sister hansens boyfriend is in the MTC with us right now and that's kind of hard sometimes. My heart experienced some really big changes this week. I was so scared because I was getting feelings of like anxiety this week but I finally realized it wasn't anxiety. It was the holy ghost. I am feeling the spirit of god in ways I cannot even describe and I have been crying a lot of tears of gratitude this past week thinking about how I got to where I am and how many miracles had to occur for me to end up on my mission starting with a huge life changing one this past July. I never would have though I would be where I am now, today, in this moment just a year ago. I miss my sweet babies every single day, but getting pictures definitely helps and I know that this 18 months will bless me and my family so much. So while I am missing things back home I wouldn't trade where I am now for anything in the world. We taught a lot of lessons this week and I am just getting more and more in tune with the spirit which is so awesome. We got our flight information this week and we leave the MTC next "tuesday" at 2:30 IN THE MORNING! I don't know for sure if I will be able to email again before we're in Kansas because our p day is technically on tuesday. So just send lots of emails. I really want to be able to write letters as well so please give me addresses. I was able to get some from memorial ward off of the LDS tools app. but other than that I actually only have my own address, so if I could get more that would be great. The district above us left last night so We're the oldest one! so crazy!
XoXo, Sister Greenwood


I was so over the moon excited on Wednesday morning when I went to the doctor and got cleared to fly out THE NEXT DAY! I loved the girls I was rooming with after my district left but I was more than ready to get to Kansas! My first airport experience was a little rough, but I survived!😁 They dropped me off at the curb and I had no idea what I was doing, I was so confused and Lost and honestly I was just ready to cry. This super nice guy helped me with my luggage and helped me find my way, he had just dropped his son off at the MTC the day before! After I got checked in and went through security the lady had to pat me down because of my garments. UNCOMFORTABLE. I however was grateful she was a female. Had it been a male I would not have made it any further in my journey. She was very nice and apologized. Then the tsa guy had to wipe down everything in my duffle bag which took a long time. He recognized that I was a missionary and helped me to figure out what I was supposed to do next. He handed me off to a guy that was on my same flight and told him to take care of me and told me to just stay with him. He let me use his phone to call my mom since I couldn't find a pay phone. Which was good because my mom was kind of freaking out and had I not called she may have had a heart attack. In the Denver airport as we were about to board I met the kindest man that said he was from Wichita in a place called Derby, I had met the sweetest girl from derby in the MTC so I had a little bit of an idea of what he was talking about, and was hoping that's where I'd end up! I told him my situation and expressed that I was worried that President McCuistion wouldn't be there when I got there and he promised to stay with me until we arrived in Wichita and that if president wasn't there he would take me to the mission home himself. I was so thrilled to come out and see president and his wife standing there waiting for me when I got out. And my cute companion Sister Goff, she is the greatest and I'm so grateful to have her as my trainer. Seeing that I left the MTC at 2:30 am I had not eaten yet so the president took us out to eat, it was so nice and comforting to get some good food in me.
Highlights of my week:
●Meeting my trainer
●I'm serving in DERBY!
●Tried fried Alligator
●First baptism
●squirrels and bunnies everywhere! MY POOR COMPANION ( every time we see one I get wayyy excited)
●the moon 
●ate dinner with a couple that remind me so much of gram and papa.

Fun Facts:
●My trainer is good friends with one of the girls in my district at the MTC
●Today my trainer got a speeding ticket
●Going ten over in a school zone is $144.00
●there is a bingo center where you drive by and you can just see all of the cute old people in the window playing bingo like in old movies.
●We got panda express the other day
●Our STLS called us the other day and their voices sounded so much like Morgan and Karla that I started to cry. I think about the two of them every single day as I'm serving the Lord.
●My companion spent all of yesterday puking her guts up
●I don't feel THAT bad yet, but I also am sick. 
●every person we've seen since I got here has been sick, so I'm pretty sure us getting it was inevitable. Though I am still hopeful I don't end up as sick as my comp. We didn't end up going to church yesterday.
●The people of Kansas are all way nice, even if they're rejecting our message.
 So far I love being here, it's truly everything I hoped for and once we're feeling better I'll be on top of the world! Satan still tries to get to me but I'm stronger.
XOXO, Sister Greenwood 

On Feb 7, 2017 1:59 PM, "Brianne Lynette Greenwood" <> wrote:
This week was great. We finished TRC's and learned a lot of new things and had so many practices getting us ready to go into the field. Sunday night I had a migraine and myback was I rested and took medicine and then our whole room stayed up talking until like 1:30 am. It was like a sleepover and it was so great. Now onto the craziest day of my life:Monday I woke up and had a migraine and just felt icky. I thought it was just from staying up all night and being back up at 6:30 so I was just trying to power through we got breakfast and then went to our classroom, we came back a little while later and my stomach was so sick I just felt like throwing up. Sister Hansen stayed with me and I rested while everyone else went to exercise time. I kept getting sicker and sicker so I decided to go to the doctor to get something for my stomach so I could get on the plane that night feeling better. The doctor ordered 3 different tests(nose swab, blood draw, and urinalysis) the doctor came in a little bit later and said my flu test was negative and he had a meeting so he'd be back around 2 to discuss the test results with me.(it was currently around 12) They took me to lay in a bed and rest until he came back. So obviously if you know me well you're already seeing the mistake in their doing this, because I spent the next 2 hours alone in a room with my thoughts thinking of the absolute worst scenarios, (because why wouldn't he just tell me then if it wasn't bad news?) He finally comes back and tells me I have a UTI. Seriously!? It's not cancer?! Thank the Lord😂 also I had this super irrational fear that he was going to tell me I was pregnant (which I realize is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE, I did say irrational😊) then he told me he wanted me to stay at the MTC a few more days and asked me how I felt about that. I of course told him no. And he was hesitant but agreed that I could call him later that night and we could make a decision. Sounds great to me. My companion came and got me and they gave me an antibiotic to start right away and go back to our dorm and rest. I was crazy emotional about the doctor even considering not having me leave that night and I just had a feeling in my heart that for some reason I wasn't going to be leaving at 2:30 in the morning, I got a priesthood blessing from the elders in my district and then went back to my room to take my pills they gave me. I took them and was just sitting in my bed trying to fall asleep and I just started itching all over my body. So my companion made me go back to the doctor, the nurse gave me a benadryl shot and the doctor came in to talk to me about delaying my flight. I agreed to stay a few more days until I'm better.He told me to see my district off at 2:30 but not to get on the bus with them. I slept some more in the clinic and my companion was sent on a field trip down the street to pick up my prescription for the new antibiotic to start on Tuesday and I was told not to take anymore of the other one. I was lying in the clinic til almost 5 and then I had to go talk to someone about my delay and call my mom to let her know what was happening. I moved in with another district(they're the one directly under us) and it was the hardest thing moving my stuff to another room while all of the sisters in my room were packing to leave in just 4 hours. I cried and I cried like I never had in my life. I know and have faith that this delay is all in God's plan for me and that there is a reason it had to happen. But it doesn't make it any easier that I'm still in the MTC and all of my best friends left on the plane this morning to go to Kansas. I hope and pray that they all made it safely. I woke up at 2 and went and said goodbye and it was so hard. My companion was just bawling😭 I went back to my new room and just cried some more until I fell asleep. I don't think I've ever cried this much, but when I woke up today I was exceedingly grateful that I stayed back, because I have literally no energy and am feeling a little miserable. The girls in my new room are adorable and I know that I'll find a reason of why I needed to stay and I'm making more friends. And tonight our devotional speaker is a general authority which I would have missed otherwise so I'm okay. And I'm really grateful for how thorough the doctor was. I couldn't imagine being on an airplane for my first time feeling the way that I do. Please keep me in your prayers, I love you all.
Xoxo, sister greenwood

On Jan 31, 2017 9:37 AM, "Brianne Lynette Greenwood" <> wrote:
I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW FAST THE TIME IS FLYING BY! I love it here so much and I'm going to miss it but I am SO STOKED to be in Kansas in a week!! I still don't know how to do the pictures, so once again check my blog. This week was filled with so much spirit and growth, I am learning so many great things here in the MTC! I saw Sandy's son Elder Peterson on I think my first or second day at the MTC so that was good to see a familiar face. All of the other girls in my district know lots of people because they're all 2 or 3 years younger than I am. But it's okay, I think it might make things a little harder to know so many people from Pre mission life. Once of the girls in our district sister hansens boyfriend is in the MTC with us right now and that's kind of hard sometimes. My heart experienced some really big changes this week. I was so scared because I was getting feelings of like anxiety this week but I finally realized it wasn't anxiety. It was the holy ghost. I am feeling the spirit of god in ways I cannot even describe and I have been crying a lot of tears of gratitude this past week thinking about how I got to where I am and how many miracles had to occur for me to end up on my mission starting with a huge life changing one this past July. I never would have though I would be where I am now, today, in this moment just a year ago. I miss my sweet babies every single day, but getting pictures definitely helps and I know that this 18 months will bless me and my family so much. So while I am missing things back home I wouldn't trade where I am now for anything in the world. We taught a lot of lessons this week and I am just getting more and more in tune with the spirit which is so awesome. We got our flight information this week and we leave the MTC next "tuesday" at 2:30 IN THE MORNING! I don't know for sure if I will be able to email again before we're in Kansas because our p day is technically on tuesday. So just send lots of emails. I really want to be able to write letters as well so please give me addresses. I was able to get some from memorial ward off of the LDS tools app. but other than that I actually only have my own address, so if I could get more that would be great. The district above us left last night so We're the oldest one! so crazy!
XoXo, Sister Greenwood

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Re: Craziest day of my life.

I realize many of you are worried about me with all of these changes. And I just want to reinforce to you that I know the Lord will take care of me. I am one of the strongest people I've ever known in my life and I know that everything is going the way it's supposed to. I don't know concrete details at all about anything in my life right now but I'm completely calm, so don't worry. (Mom, this message is especially for you)I love you
Xoxo, sister greenwood.

On Feb 7, 2017 12:59 PM, "Brianne Lynette Greenwood" <> wrote:
This week was great. We finished TRC's and learned a lot of new things and had so many practices getting us ready to go into the field. Sunday night I had a migraine and myback was I rested and took medicine and then our whole room stayed up talking until like 1:30 am. It was like a sleepover and it was so great. Now onto the craziest day of my life:Monday I woke up and had a migraine and just felt icky. I thought it was just from staying up all night and being back up at 6:30 so I was just trying to power through we got breakfast and then went to our classroom, we came back a little while later and my stomach was so sick I just felt like throwing up. Sister Hansen stayed with me and I rested while everyone else went to exercise time. I kept getting sicker and sicker so I decided to go to the doctor to get something for my stomach so I could get on the plane that night feeling better. The doctor ordered 3 different tests(nose swab, blood draw, and urinalysis) the doctor came in a little bit later and said my flu test was negative and he had a meeting so he'd be back around 2 to discuss the test results with me.(it was currently around 12) They took me to lay in a bed and rest until he came back. So obviously if you know me well you're already seeing the mistake in their doing this, because I spent the next 2 hours alone in a room with my thoughts thinking of the absolute worst scenarios, (because why wouldn't he just tell me then if it wasn't bad news?) He finally comes back and tells me I have a UTI. Seriously!? It's not cancer?! Thank the Lord😂 also I had this super irrational fear that he was going to tell me I was pregnant (which I realize is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE, I did say irrational😊) then he told me he wanted me to stay at the MTC a few more days and asked me how I felt about that. I of course told him no. And he was hesitant but agreed that I could call him later that night and we could make a decision. Sounds great to me. My companion came and got me and they gave me an antibiotic to start right away and go back to our dorm and rest. I was crazy emotional about the doctor even considering not having me leave that night and I just had a feeling in my heart that for some reason I wasn't going to be leaving at 2:30 in the morning, I got a priesthood blessing from the elders in my district and then went back to my room to take my pills they gave me. I took them and was just sitting in my bed trying to fall asleep and I just started itching all over my body. So my companion made me go back to the doctor, the nurse gave me a benadryl shot and the doctor came in to talk to me about delaying my flight. I agreed to stay a few more days until I'm better.He told me to see my district off at 2:30 but not to get on the bus with them. I slept some more in the clinic and my companion was sent on a field trip down the street to pick up my prescription for the new antibiotic to start on Tuesday and I was told not to take anymore of the other one. I was lying in the clinic til almost 5 and then I had to go talk to someone about my delay and call my mom to let her know what was happening. I moved in with another district(they're the one directly under us) and it was the hardest thing moving my stuff to another room while all of the sisters in my room were packing to leave in just 4 hours. I cried and I cried like I never had in my life. I know and have faith that this delay is all in God's plan for me and that there is a reason it had to happen. But it doesn't make it any easier that I'm still in the MTC and all of my best friends left on the plane this morning to go to Kansas. I hope and pray that they all made it safely. I woke up at 2 and went and said goodbye and it was so hard. My companion was just bawling😭 I went back to my new room and just cried some more until I fell asleep. I don't think I've ever cried this much, but when I woke up today I was exceedingly grateful that I stayed back, because I have literally no energy and am feeling a little miserable. The girls in my new room are adorable and I know that I'll find a reason of why I needed to stay and I'm making more friends. And tonight our devotional speaker is a general authority which I would have missed otherwise so I'm okay. And I'm really grateful for how thorough the doctor was. I couldn't imagine being on an airplane for my first time feeling the way that I do. Please keep me in your prayers, I love you all.
Xoxo, sister greenwood

On Jan 31, 2017 9:37 AM, "Brianne Lynette Greenwood" <> wrote:
I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW FAST THE TIME IS FLYING BY! I love it here so much and I'm going to miss it but I am SO STOKED to be in Kansas in a week!! I still don't know how to do the pictures, so once again check my blog. This week was filled with so much spirit and growth, I am learning so many great things here in the MTC! I saw Sandy's son Elder Peterson on I think my first or second day at the MTC so that was good to see a familiar face. All of the other girls in my district know lots of people because they're all 2 or 3 years younger than I am. But it's okay, I think it might make things a little harder to know so many people from Pre mission life. Once of the girls in our district sister hansens boyfriend is in the MTC with us right now and that's kind of hard sometimes. My heart experienced some really big changes this week. I was so scared because I was getting feelings of like anxiety this week but I finally realized it wasn't anxiety. It was the holy ghost. I am feeling the spirit of god in ways I cannot even describe and I have been crying a lot of tears of gratitude this past week thinking about how I got to where I am and how many miracles had to occur for me to end up on my mission starting with a huge life changing one this past July. I never would have though I would be where I am now, today, in this moment just a year ago. I miss my sweet babies every single day, but getting pictures definitely helps and I know that this 18 months will bless me and my family so much. So while I am missing things back home I wouldn't trade where I am now for anything in the world. We taught a lot of lessons this week and I am just getting more and more in tune with the spirit which is so awesome. We got our flight information this week and we leave the MTC next "tuesday" at 2:30 IN THE MORNING! I don't know for sure if I will be able to email again before we're in Kansas because our p day is technically on tuesday. So just send lots of emails. I really want to be able to write letters as well so please give me addresses. I was able to get some from memorial ward off of the LDS tools app. but other than that I actually only have my own address, so if I could get more that would be great. The district above us left last night so We're the oldest one! so crazy!
XoXo, Sister Greenwood


This week was great. We finished TRC's and learned a lot of new things and had so many practices getting us ready to go into the field. Sunday night I had a migraine and myback was I rested and took medicine and then our whole room stayed up talking until like 1:30 am. It was like a sleepover and it was so great. Now onto the craziest day of my life:Monday I woke up and had a migraine and just felt icky. I thought it was just from staying up all night and being back up at 6:30 so I was just trying to power through we got breakfast and then went to our classroom, we came back a little while later and my stomach was so sick I just felt like throwing up. Sister Hansen stayed with me and I rested while everyone else went to exercise time. I kept getting sicker and sicker so I decided to go to the doctor to get something for my stomach so I could get on the plane that night feeling better. The doctor ordered 3 different tests(nose swab, blood draw, and urinalysis) the doctor came in a little bit later and said my flu test was negative and he had a meeting so he'd be back around 2 to discuss the test results with me.(it was currently around 12) They took me to lay in a bed and rest until he came back. So obviously if you know me well you're already seeing the mistake in their doing this, because I spent the next 2 hours alone in a room with my thoughts thinking of the absolute worst scenarios, (because why wouldn't he just tell me then if it wasn't bad news?) He finally comes back and tells me I have a UTI. Seriously!? It's not cancer?! Thank the Lord😂 also I had this super irrational fear that he was going to tell me I was pregnant (which I realize is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE, I did say irrational😊) then he told me he wanted me to stay at the MTC a few more days and asked me how I felt about that. I of course told him no. And he was hesitant but agreed that I could call him later that night and we could make a decision. Sounds great to me. My companion came and got me and they gave me an antibiotic to start right away and go back to our dorm and rest. I was crazy emotional about the doctor even considering not having me leave that night and I just had a feeling in my heart that for some reason I wasn't going to be leaving at 2:30 in the morning, I got a priesthood blessing from the elders in my district and then went back to my room to take my pills they gave me. I took them and was just sitting in my bed trying to fall asleep and I just started itching all over my body. So my companion made me go back to the doctor, the nurse gave me a benadryl shot and the doctor came in to talk to me about delaying my flight. I agreed to stay a few more days until I'm better.He told me to see my district off at 2:30 but not to get on the bus with them. I slept some more in the clinic and my companion was sent on a field trip down the street to pick up my prescription for the new antibiotic to start on Tuesday and I was told not to take anymore of the other one. I was lying in the clinic til almost 5 and then I had to go talk to someone about my delay and call my mom to let her know what was happening. I moved in with another district(they're the one directly under us) and it was the hardest thing moving my stuff to another room while all of the sisters in my room were packing to leave in just 4 hours. I cried and I cried like I never had in my life. I know and have faith that this delay is all in God's plan for me and that there is a reason it had to happen. But it doesn't make it any easier that I'm still in the MTC and all of my best friends left on the plane this morning to go to Kansas. I hope and pray that they all made it safely. I woke up at 2 and went and said goodbye and it was so hard. My companion was just bawling😭 I went back to my new room and just cried some more until I fell asleep. I don't think I've ever cried this much, but when I woke up today I was exceedingly grateful that I stayed back, because I have literally no energy and am feeling a little miserable. The girls in my new room are adorable and I know that I'll find a reason of why I needed to stay and I'm making more friends. And tonight our devotional speaker is a general authority which I would have missed otherwise so I'm okay. And I'm really grateful for how thorough the doctor was. I couldn't imagine being on an airplane for my first time feeling the way that I do. Please keep me in your prayers, I love you all.
Xoxo, sister greenwood

On Jan 31, 2017 9:37 AM, "Brianne Lynette Greenwood" <> wrote:
I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW FAST THE TIME IS FLYING BY! I love it here so much and I'm going to miss it but I am SO STOKED to be in Kansas in a week!! I still don't know how to do the pictures, so once again check my blog. This week was filled with so much spirit and growth, I am learning so many great things here in the MTC! I saw Sandy's son Elder Peterson on I think my first or second day at the MTC so that was good to see a familiar face. All of the other girls in my district know lots of people because they're all 2 or 3 years younger than I am. But it's okay, I think it might make things a little harder to know so many people from Pre mission life. Once of the girls in our district sister hansens boyfriend is in the MTC with us right now and that's kind of hard sometimes. My heart experienced some really big changes this week. I was so scared because I was getting feelings of like anxiety this week but I finally realized it wasn't anxiety. It was the holy ghost. I am feeling the spirit of god in ways I cannot even describe and I have been crying a lot of tears of gratitude this past week thinking about how I got to where I am and how many miracles had to occur for me to end up on my mission starting with a huge life changing one this past July. I never would have though I would be where I am now, today, in this moment just a year ago. I miss my sweet babies every single day, but getting pictures definitely helps and I know that this 18 months will bless me and my family so much. So while I am missing things back home I wouldn't trade where I am now for anything in the world. We taught a lot of lessons this week and I am just getting more and more in tune with the spirit which is so awesome. We got our flight information this week and we leave the MTC next "tuesday" at 2:30 IN THE MORNING! I don't know for sure if I will be able to email again before we're in Kansas because our p day is technically on tuesday. So just send lots of emails. I really want to be able to write letters as well so please give me addresses. I was able to get some from memorial ward off of the LDS tools app. but other than that I actually only have my own address, so if I could get more that would be great. The district above us left last night so We're the oldest one! so crazy!
XoXo, Sister Greenwood

Monday, February 6, 2017


Hey everyone, so it looks like I'll be in the MTC a couple more days.  If ever I needed support and uplifting messages now is most definitely the time. I'm so upset, but I know it is God's plan for me. I got a priesthood blessing which helped. Please keep me in your prayers. It's nothing serious so don't be worried. But if people would put my name in the temple i'd really appreciate it.I emailed my mom to tell her what was going on, so feel free to ask her. Or I'll probably be able to respond tomorrow..
I love you all so much! Can't wait to hear from you,
Xoxo, Sister Greenwood