Tuesday, November 28, 2017

HEY FAM(4/3/17)

I apologize, this email will be shorter than normal, my comp and I spent our entire p day at the car shop so I'm out of email time! Also I feel like im having a panic attack right now so focusing isnt the best right now.This week turned out to be better. I still am feeling kind of awful and I feel alone other than Jesus Christ obviously.. but I'm doing my very best to stay positive. And like I said last week, I'm a fighter, I know where I need to be right now and that is the Kansas Wichita Mission. Two awesome things that happened this week were zone conference and general conference! Both were so great! I took away many things from each. Go watch general conference if you haven't! That was the first time I watched all of the sessions! It was so good! My comp and I laugh all the tieme. It reminds me of Alex and Dilly combined. SO GREAT! I still suck at feelings as an updateπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚ one day... haha. Maybe. I'm trying really hard though! I promise😁
Love you all!
♡my cute mom sister goff
♡Zone conference
♡my favorites sister Nielson and sister Jensen
♡a members cute little girl Linea
♡Sister Nail and I with Linea
♡Greenwood street
{{Its a great day to save lives}}
Xoxo, Sister Greenwood🌻

I'M A FIGHTER(3/27/17)

This has been my catch phrase this week! Wow, this week has been insane! My new trainer is good. Very different from sister goff which is both good and bad. Depending on how you look at it I guess. Shes been sick since we became companions though. Poor girl.And this weather is affecting my depression sooo bad! I really need the sun to come out again, I think that would really help. Remember how I would always say it was like a switch flipped and then the depression would be there again? Yeah so that's basically what happened this week, I think I'm going to talk to the doctor about trying a new medication when I go in on Wed. The depression is hitting me way hard core right now. And I'm not really sure why.  So that has been a serious struggle my friends. It kind of seems like people are expecting me to quit, but like I said in the subject line I'm a fighter!! I was very specific when I came out that there are only a few reasons I would come home early, and they pretty much all had to do with death. So don't expect me home Any time soon!!πŸ˜‰ I have had a lot of hard things happen this week but I also was able to see miracles. So don't worry too much about me! I still love what I'm doing and wouldn't want to be anywhere else! I just have some things I'm figuring out is all and I'm working on coping skills. My STL's have become a lifeline for me which I am so grateful for. The first day I actually reached out, I got to meet the cutest girl! Her name is Sister Greenwood and we talked a lot and I am so grateful for the things she told me. She is going home this week which is super sad for me. But good for her! The STLS are amazing and I am so lucky to have them. They are definitely called of god. I've also been talking to the mission president and his wife a lot. Every time I talk to her she tells me that she just feels like I'm here for a reason and that through my life experiences I'm going to help someone here and we all know that's exactly why I came out here, so to have her say that is so special! The biggest miracle we saw this week was when we went to visit a former investigator and this lady answered the door and she was just super interested in the gospel and had always been drawn to the LDS church. Her name is Susan and we are so excited to work with her! I didn't write down fun facts like I normally do during the week, sorry. Love you all.

{Its a great day to save lives}}
Xoxo, Sister Greenwood🌻


So to start off I found out today that I am being transferred and getting a new mom (trainer) which is hard to hear. I love the area I'm in now and my comp is great. On the bright side though?! We're still close. I'm just kind of salty because I have to pack all of my things and move and I've only been here for 6 weeks which is kind of dumb. But I know president is directed by the Lord and I will be a good sport. I sort of had a feeling we'd be separated but I tried to talk myself out of it and ignore the feeling. I am excited to go to a new area. I'm just sad about the whole trainer situation. If I got to choose my second mom I would've picked cute sister Lee( sister Jensen gets her now, so lucky!), but instead I'm with her current companion sister Nail, who I don't know like at all, so everything is changing! And we all know how much I like changeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰ I AM SOOOOOO NERVOUS!!!!😣
Anyways let's move on and talk about our week! We saw a lot of little miracles and it was amazing! I knew coming out that I wanted to be a missionary and what that entailed but I did not expect to fall so deeply in love with the work or the people this quickly. I WAS BORN TO BE A MISSIONARY😁 this week went by SUPER FAST so it's a little bit of a blur. But I'll do my best to fill ya in! We found the most elect investigator on Sunday in our apartment complex! It was so good! She said she's been wanting to read the book of Mormon and learn more so we left her with one and got her phone number. She said her daughter was baptized about a year ago so she wanted to learn and see if she should be baptized too! So good!!!! This week I got to see sister Goffs true colors(aka I got yelled at.jk)we did have a crazy experience though!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚ so we went to go see this family that's kind of a ways from us and then when we went to leave we had some technical difficulties... as we got in the car I asked if I needed to back her ( it's required when we reverse) and my comp said no so I got in the car and away we went............. into a ditch. Not just a little ditch either. This thing was at least 2 feet deep, and filled with muddy water. Yup, you guessed it folks, WE GOT STUCK IN THE DITCH. we very quickly learned that we couldn't drive it out forward or backward. So I got out and was trying to figure out what to do. I thought of like when the car dies and you have to push it so we tried to push it out of the ditch, no such luck, we are stuck, chuckπŸ˜‚ we tried everything we could think of and my poor companion was just yelling and didn't know what to do and threw the keys at me and I tried everything she already had and nothing, so we were about to admit defeat and call someone to rescue us ( also I forgot to mention this happened right before our curfew time at 9pm) when the people next door ( who is our members son and his family came over and I was like oh good did you come to help? And they're like yeah we watched you drive into the ditch and get stuck. EMBARRASSING! So the guy tries to push it out ( like we already tried) and he's like yeah it didn't budge I'll be back with the truck. So he went and got the truck, hooked our car up to the chain and pulled us right out. After the stress of the situation was down all I could do was laugh. So crazy! The Lord was definitely watching out for us that night though! Another interesting experience we had was as we were leaving a membsrs home. We went and knocked a door down the street and two teenage girls answered and we were talking to them and my companion was like are you sisters? And the one turns tk the other and says no, this is my brother. But the person was very clearly female. So yeah, i guess (he?) Identifies as a boy. So confusing! we also got to go to chic fil a with our cute STL'S sister Clark and sister hansen ( and it wasn't an intervention this time!πŸ˜‰) so that was good. I love my mission so much, even if I'm not very good at being a missionary yet!πŸ˜‚
Fun Facts:
♡my clippy name tag somehow broke in half (so mom I'll probably send it home to you for memories)
♡I am constantly getting poked by those annoying sticker weeds( like kara used to have in her yard, they kind of look like the wild thistles on tinker bell when Vivian has tink rounding them up)
♡The cats here like to live in the sewers drain pipes.
♡Sister Clark sent me a picture of a street sign with both our names, isn't she so cute!? I love her!
♡Kansas sunsets are like nothing else

{{Its a great day to save lives}}
Xoxo, Sister Greenwood🌻


This week has been the weirdest/ hardest one yet! Holy Cow! This week was so strange! The weather has been in the thirties which is freezing cold!! My depression is being annoying! But I'm still loving being a missionary!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰ Its hard, but I'm Strong enoughπŸ˜„ I Just Have To Keep Reminding Myself Of That. We had interviews with President and sister McCuistion this week and one thing he said that really helped me was that as long as I'm doing my best it's okay, and that sometimes we do get doors slammed in our face for no fault of ours. That was so helpful to hear! My companion and I have been struggling with communication (from my end of course) we had the STL'S over for lunch on Saturday and I got to talk to Sister Clark which was really good. We took a break from proselyting and served people in a different way because I was not in any shape to be proselyting at that current point in time(it started the night before) and I couldn't talk about it. So instead we wrote notes to people and my companion made muddy buddies and we heart attacked people's doors😁 it was great! We had a lot of strange experiences this week that I can't even remember them all. The most significant was when my companion and I went to visit a less active member, as we were driving into the cul-de-sac to turn around my comp was like that guy is staring at us from his window, and I kind of brushed it off. so we go park our car and then we always pray and talk about our plan for the lesson, we turn off the car and we get out( that's our normal every day routine) so my companion gets out and grabs her bag and then I get out and we go to our lesson [USUALLY] This particular night however my companion gets out and she said something about the guy and then we hear him speedily driving towards my companion and we were so scared! I was about to get out but I got back in the car and kind of hid. He was very angry and starts talking to my companion asking what she's doing there and how he's never seen our car before and he starts shining his flashlight around our bike rack and like yelling about how suspicious our car was and that they'd gotten their car broken into a couple days ago and my companion was like yeah so we're missionaries and we're just going to visit a member of our congregation and he just like was interrogating her and finally he left back to his house and we went to our members house and we were very grateful she opened the door because that crazy man was still watching us. SO FUNNY! I am so grateful that man did not have a gun, it was only a flashlight πŸ˜‚ the Lord is watching out for us and keeping us safe for sure! Sunday I wrote down some thoughts and things I was struggling with and sister Goff and I talked about them and it was good, its so hard for me to be open; but im learning.then we met a new investigator named omega at sacrament, she was with her grandpa. For dinner the STLS had called the night before and said they were going to make enchiladas and then we ate at the church, so after we get done eating sister hansen is like so we asked you to have dinner with us because we wanted to have dinner but also because we think we all need to talk together. ( I had been talking to Sister Clark and sister Goff had been talking to Sister hansen about what was wrong and stuff but we weren't talking to each other) yes my friends, dinner was a sneak attack INTERVENTIONπŸ˜‚ it was really good though and we definitely all needed it. My companion and I are doing a lot better now, we stayed up late ( like close to 11πŸ˜‚) and just talked, it was so good😁 missions are weird and I still stink at feelings but my companion is teaching me and we're going to start doing more companionship inventories ( but we're calling them companionship check ups because inventory makes me feel weird) so cheers to feeling, Dealing, and Healing πŸ˜‚
Fun Facts:
♡The smoke shop has a drive thru window like taco bellπŸ˜‚
♡We are now entering Tornado season!
♡ the other night it was way windy and there was a tornado watch I guess but nothing happened. And then the next day we heard a siren but the weather was perfect and we're not sure what that was about because it just kind of stopped.
♡ I've seen a few ladybugs which is fun
♡ I got a bike this week! I'm excited!it's blue
♡One of the members in our ward has big plans for sister Goff when she gets off her mission πŸ˜‚ she wants her to marry her 37 year old Less active son and give her grand babies before she dies(My companion is barely 20) [I ABOUT DIED!!!!IT WAS HILARIOUS!!]
♡ It is so pretty here! The skies are my favorite and these beautiful trees
♡We took a plant to less active members
♡Last Monday we went to the mall and I found a dinosaur like Piers ( I'm grateful Bruce didn't get this one! It was almost as tall as me!)
♡I tripped off someone's porch and hurt my ankle ( but I can still walk on it so that's good)
♡Dead squirrel on the roadπŸ˜‚
{{Its a great day to save lives}}
Xoxo, Sister Greenwood🌻


I absolutely love being a missionary. I seriously wake up every day in awe that I really am out here. It is such a dream come true and I am SOOOOOO grateful!!!!!! We meet so many people each day and I love it! We do a lot of finding right now and we try to get referrals from everyone we talk to because I don't know if I mentioned this but they didn't have sisters in the Glen hills ward for a while so we don't have a whole lot to go off of. It's kind of like a white wash in a sense. It's good though, the ward is so helpful and they love to be a part of missionary work which is great! We have been finding a lot of people but this one in particular we talked to one day and she was super nice and seemed totally elect. And her experiences were a lot like joseph smiths so we definitely thought sharjng the restoration with her would be perfect but she was leaving to Lowe's when we met her so she was busy, and then when we went back and tried to share a message with her she told us she wasn't interested. We got that a couple of times this week. But I don't ever get discouraged because I know God has a plan for us. This week we met these 3 girls that live with their grandma and they were talking with us about how they church hop and we talked to them about our church and they were way excited and we left them each with a book of mormon, and then we called a few days later and they told us their grandma said they couldn't talk to us anymore because of things she's heard about Mormons. We constantly get weird comments that we have to clarify. We did meet the cutest girl at village Inn this week though, she was our waitress and we talked to her about missionary work and what we do and how we leave our family for 18 months and she was so astonished, she just kept saying things like wow you'd have to be so strong to be able to do that and we pulled out a book of mormon and she kind of gasped and just said Wow, it's beautiful. And she is so excited to learn more! We are going back to village Inn this WednesdayπŸ˜„
Fun facts:
♡we went to a house that had a string for a door knob
♡our investigator Steven has a gorilla statue in his yard(so naturally I took a selfie with itπŸ˜‰)
♡Steven also has a bunch of other really random things in his yard like bowling balls, Christmas lights, a bed, and many more things
♡I take way short showers now! They range from 8-13 minutes( impressive right?)
♡The other day we went to an investigators house and he opens the door and was like I was just getting in the shower, so he had a blanket wrapped around him because I'm pretty sure he was naked! ( who opens their front door naked!?πŸ˜‚)
♡For dinner at a members house the other night we had chilli dogs and my companion had never had those before! I don't think she has even still, I'm pretty sure she just ate a bowl of chilli.
♡Stake conference was this Sunday and it was really good, I love listening to our mission president and his wife speak, they are the greatest!
♡So either our upstairs neighbors smoke pot, or they have a pet skunk that sprays into the bathroom ventπŸ˜‚
♡The weather here is super crazy, it's been like 80 degrees most days that I've been here! But the last two days have been cold and crazy windy.
♡The other night My nose got so cold while we were knocking doors ( not for very long either) that it was numb and I couldn't move it.

{{Its a great day to save lives}}
Xoxo, Sister Greenwood🌻